Me and my brother made a game together roughly 2 years ago and released it on Steam for $8.
it sadly was a bit of a miss, we did have a lot of fun watching people play it and enjoy it, but now we decided we'll make it FREE so everyone can play it.
I have been on Newgrounds for 10 years now, not always active but lurking around and admiring other people's work.
I cannot express how much this website has helped me as an artist, I started posting art here in 2014 with a Castle Crasher's fan art and from then on just posting whatever I made in my spare time. I always felt very supported when I posted here.
I never assumed back then I could actually take up being an artist as a valid career choice but now I'm worked on so many amazing projects!
Gunbrella trailer just dropped yesterday, a game I've been working on with Doinksoft(Gato Roboto creators) for the past year.
I am second artist on it with Britt Brady taking lead.
I met @josephbourgeois (programmer) on Newgrounds back when I was making my own little flash games AND we also made MazeWard together.
I am also working on Silent Santicado, a very beautiful metroidvania about a small rabbit called Luna and her journey through the fallen kingdom.
I mostly do character design and animations on this one and am very excited to show more later this year. (hopfully)
And something I worked on a while ago but is yet to be released.
Freakin Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
I did some animations for the Rocksteady and Bebop boss fight.
Big thanks to @moawling for recommending me to Tribute Games.
I am really thankful to you guys for supporting me, I don't know where I would be without Newgrounds.
It was a really nice idea with some great level design and feel of adventure.
I remember playing it back then and thinking "wish I thought of this idea, it's so good".
It even had 3 player mode where you can play a simple game of pong with two of your friends but one is the ball.
Good stuff all around.
Fast forward to summer of 2019, StuffedWombat DMs me asking if I could help him out with the remake of POMG!
We renamed it to qomp cause it sounded better and maybe it helps us along the way ;)
It was really exciting to work on this game, since I was already a fan.
We added so many new stuff to make it more challenging and unique, changed the art style to something more easier on the eye, got @Britt_t_Brady from Gato Roboto to score the game, @Clovelt who helped us a bunch by being an awesome programmer by taking on those shitty last 10% and of course more than that. We had an all time team working on this baby. It was our baby but now it's time for release.
It was originally planned to be released late 2020 but as usual deadlines are hard to meet especially during that year.
Today we released it and I am nothing but excited to share it on Newgrounds the platform this game started on.
I moved from Bulgaria to the Netherlands and we've been slowly working on a second game that's way more ambitious.
Landed a gig at Tribute games a while back so keep an eye for their next game, it's the biggest game I've worked on thus far and on the opposite end I worked on qomp, a relatively small game with StuffedWombat and we're hoping to release 2021.
I am basically living of off my savings and hoping I could turn my next game into profit, no panic.
It's been a really weird year and I just want to get it over with.
Happy holidays and I wish everyone a better next year. :)
It's a game I've been working on for the past few months and I'm very proud with.
Everyone that's working on this game with me is someone I met through Newgrounds., well without my brother who's the programmer, so I'm really thankful for this community.
I'd be very happy if you could just wishlist the game and email Valve about it, let them know it's a cool game and whatnot.
It has a cool new little trailer I made today that's announcing the release date which is on the 15th of july 2020, yes 2020 is about to get a bit more bearable. :D